Extinction Rebellion UK’s response to Rolling Stone story on radiation in the oil and gas industry - Extinction Rebellion UK

Extinction Rebellion UK’s response to Rolling Stone story on radiation in the oil and gas industry

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This news from Rolling Stone is devastating. We thank them for their work in uncovering this story that the public and particularly workers in the oil and gas industry need to know. [1]

If this is happening in the UK, then it shows that the oil and gas industry doesn’t care about the planet, our children or even its own workers. 

And it shows, more than ever, that fossil fuels belong in the ground. We need an urgent investigation right now into what is going on in the North Sea as well as wherever oil and gas extraction is happening – and all along their supply chains – around the world. [2]

Next Thursday, Extinction Rebellion will be hosting a briefing call about the Rolling Stone story with the author, Justin Nobel, and radiation expert, Ian Fairlie. [3]

Please contact the following experts to find out about radiation exposure in the UK oil and gas industry:

Dr Ian Fairlie

An independent consultant on radioactivity in the environment.




Professor Andrew Watterson 

Faculty of Health Science and Sport, Stirling University 

07563 195904


Notes for editors:

[1] https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/oil-gas-fracking-radioactive-investigation-937389/

[2] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-39379405

[3] Event details to follow: Scheduled for 6pm (GMT), 30th January

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